Tax Account 005-53A-016


15 W 4800 S
SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84107-3770

Account Summary

Account ID 005-53A-016
Account Type Real Estate
Balance $0.00
Currently Due $0.00

Current Year

Description 2024/2025 REAL ESTATE TAXES
Original $580.31
Total $580.31
Paid $580.31
Balance $0.00
Due $0.00
Ad Valorem Tax Rate 2.6125
Tax District 4.0 (Civic Auditorium District)
Tax Cap 100% High 8.0%


#Due DatePenalty DateStatusOriginal TotalPenaltyTotalPaidTotal Due

Past Years

DescriptionOriginalPenaltyPaidBalanceDueTax RateTax District
2023/2024 REAL ESTATE TAXES$555.78$0.00$555.78$0.00$0.002.61254.0
2022/2023 REAL ESTATE TAXES$523.68$0.00$523.68$0.00$0.002.61254.0
2021/2022 REAL ESTATE TAXES$560.85$0.00$560.85$0.00$0.002.84034.0
2020/2021 REAL ESTATE TAXES$559.37$0.00$559.37$0.00$0.002.80784.0
2019/2020 REAL ESTATE TAXES$551.48$0.00$551.48$0.00$0.002.80784.0
2018/2019 REAL ESTATE TAXES$544.00$0.00$544.00$0.00$0.002.79784.0
2017/2018 REAL ESTATE TAXES$494.62$0.00$494.62$0.00$0.002.54784.0
2016/2017 REAL ESTATE TAXES$467.06$0.00$467.06$0.00$0.002.54784.0
2015/2016 REAL ESTATE TAXES$467.06$0.00$467.06$0.00$0.002.54784.0
2014/2015 REAL ESTATE TAXES$396.31$0.00$396.31$0.00$0.002.54784.0

Tax Bill and Payment History

DateTypeBilled to / Payer Name / NoteAmountBalance
08/21/2024PAYMENTSTIRLING, CURTIS CHECK 1081$-580.31$0.00
07/10/2024BILLSTIRLING, CURTIS J & L KAY$580.31$580.31
08/15/2023PAYMENTSTIRLING, CURTIS J CHECK NUM: 802$-555.78$0.00
07/12/2023BILLSTIRLING, CURTIS J & L KAY$555.78$555.78
08/03/2022PAYMENTSTIRLING, CURTIS J CHECK NUM: 700$-523.68$0.00
07/12/2022BILLSTIRLING, CURTIS J & L KAY$523.68$523.68
08/17/2021PAYMENTSTIRLING, CURTIS J CHECK NUM: 603$-560.85$0.00
07/14/2021BILLSTIRLING, CURTIS J & L KAY$560.85$560.85
03/03/2021PAYMENTECT/MATCH ADS CASH$-0.03$0.00
08/20/2020PAYMENTSTIRLING, CURTIS J CHECK NUM: 512$-559.34$0.03
07/15/2020BILLSTIRLING, CURTIS J & L KAY$559.37$559.37
08/22/2019PAYMENTSTIRLING, CURTIS J CHECK NUM: 421$-551.48$0.00
07/10/2019BILLSTIRLING, CURTIS J & L KAY$551.48$551.48
08/17/2018PAYMENTSTIRLING, CURTIS J CHECK NUM: 324$-544.00$0.00
07/09/2018BILLSTIRLING, CURTIS J & L KAY$544.00$544.00
08/16/2017PAYMENTSTIRLING, CURTIS J CHECK NUM: 236$-494.62$0.00
07/07/2017BILLSTIRLING, CURTIS J & L KAY$494.62$494.62
08/11/2016PAYMENTSTIRLING, CURTIS J CHECK NUM: 146$-467.06$0.00
07/08/2016BILLSTIRLING, CURTIS J & L KAY$467.06$467.06
08/12/2015PAYMENTSTIRLING, CURTIS CHECK NUM: 3241$-467.06$0.00
07/08/2015BILLSTIRLING, CURTIS J & L KAY$467.06$467.06
08/20/2014PAYMENTSTIRLING, CURTIS CHECK NUM: 3094$-396.31$0.00
07/10/2014BILLSTIRLING, CURTIS J & L KAY$396.31$396.31
08/26/2013PAYMENTSTIRLING, CURTIS CHECK NUM: 2953$-396.31$0.00
07/16/2013BILLSTIRLING, CURTIS J & L KAY$396.31$396.31
08/01/2012PAYMENTSTIRLING, L KAY CHECK NUM: 3720$-397.76$0.00
07/10/2012BILLSTIRLING, CURTIS J & L KAY$397.76$397.76
08/18/2011PAYMENTSTIRLING, CURTIS CHECK NUM: 2686$-387.39$0.00
07/14/2011BILLSTIRLING, CURTIS J & L KAY$387.39$387.39
08/20/2010PAYMENTSTIRLING, CURTIS J CHECK NUM: 2539$-406.07$0.00
07/14/2010BILLSTIRLING, CURTIS J & L KAY$406.07$406.07
08/27/2009PAYMENTSTIRLING, CURTIS CHECK$-311.14$0.00
07/21/2009BILLSTIRLING, CURTIS J & L KAY$311.14$311.14
08/12/2008PAYMENTSTIRLING, CURTIS J & L KAY CHECK NUM: 2258$-311.14$0.00
07/14/2008BILLSTIRLING, CURTIS J & L KAY$311.14$311.14
08/06/2007PAYMENTSTIRLING, CURTIS J & L KAY CHECK NUM: 2118$-311.14$0.00
07/13/2007BILLSTIRLING, CURTIS J & L KAY$311.14$311.14