Parcel 032-005-032


* *

Parcel Summary

Location *
Use Code 310: Two Single Family Units
Tax District 3.0: TV/Civic Auditorium District
Map Parcel 2902
Section 32
Township E
Acreage 1.0300
Block/Lot E/32
Exemptions *
Plat Maps *
Map Documents *
Lineage *

Value History

Total Building Value$0$32,826$28,454$27,686$28,709$28,709$30,694
Total Extra Features Value$41,059$0$0$0$0$0$0
Total Secured Pers Prop$0$0$0$0$0$0$0
Total Land Value$13,000$13,000$13,000$13,000$13,000$13,000$8,000
Taxable Value$54,059$45,826$41,454$40,686$41,709$41,709$38,694
Net Exemptions Value$0$0$0$0$0$0$0
Net Assessed Value$18,921$16,039$14,509$14,240$14,598$14,598$13,543
New Improvements$5,815$0$0$0$0$0$0
New Land$0$0$0$0$0$0$0

Document/Transfer/Sales History

Instrument /
Official Record
DateTypeV/IDcl ValueOwnership
_instr_num|left2018-03-19Improved$45,000Grantor: *
Grantee: *
_instr_num|left2007-09-24Improved$26,000Grantor: *
Grantee: *
_instr_num|left2007-05-16Improved$4Grantor: *
Grantee: *
F _instr_num|left2007-05-10Improved$13,500Grantor: *
Grantee: *
_instr_num|left2006-06-26Improved$13,500Grantor: *
Grantee: *
_instr_num|left1998-10-23Vacant$1Grantee: *
_instr_num|left1998-10-23Improved$0Grantor: *
Grantee: *



Extra Features

*RCNLD: Replacement Cost New, Less Depreciation

CodeDescriptionLengthWidthUnitsUnit PriceAYBRepl Cost% Good ConditionDpr Value*Final ValueNotes
TRHKHKUP ELKO CO MH HOOK-UP1.00$28,9791994$28,97954%$15,504$15,504
ELECHKUP ELECTRICAL HOOKUP ONLY1.00$1,6921998$1,69260%$1,007$1,007
WMWFENCE - WIRE MESH ON WOOD POST800.00$81998$6,45660%$3,841$3,841
MCCP1PORCH-CONCRETE,COVERED W/PREFORMED METAL830240.00$251998$6,08860%$3,623$3,623
BNK.852MOBILE HOME ADDITIONS1430420.00$391999$16,42661%$10,020$10,020
SH T1F1SHED W/FLOOR COSTS, ALL SIDES CLOSED2011220.00$262022$5,61796%$5,365$5,365
CFWCONC FLATWORK27381.00$81999$65461%$399$399

Land Lines

CodeDescriptionZoneFrontDepthUnitsUnit TypeRateAcreageSq FtTotal AdjValueNotes
310Two Single Family UnitsAR1.00SITE$13,000.001.0301.00$13,000

Personal Property



All parcel data on this page is for use by the Elko County Assessor for assessment purposes only. The summary data on this page may not be a complete representation of the parcel or of the improvements thereon. Building information, including unit counts and number of permitted units, should be verified with the appropriate building and planning agencies. Zoning information should be verified with the appropriate planning agency. All parcels are reappraised each year. This is a true and accurate copy of the records of the Elko County Assessor's Office as of September 20, 2024.